Happy Monday, friends! I know it has been a
few weeks since I have posted (you will hear more about that soon!),
but I used my time away to think and pray about this blog, this
ministry, and, most importantly, YOU!
In the past few weeks that has been a hard promise to keep.
Not because I do not have anything to say (rarely am I at a loss for words), but because God is sometimes silent.
Or I have had some trouble hearing His voice through the noise, the static, and the voices that push me to go beyond what I vowed not to do.
There is a lot of pressure out there, let me tell you!
And a lot of people filling up a lot of blogs with a lot of words.
And I desperately do not want to be another voice adding to the noise.
I want this to be meaningful place.
A mindful place.
A place to come and rest, think, and ponder.
A place to find fellow travelers.
A place to try to discover the right route for your soul.
And a place do all of this within the context of loving, encouraging, and supportive community.
So I never want to take it for granted that you have chosen to come and meet me here AT THE CROSSROADS.
I know there are many other people, places, and things that demand your time and attention, so I am so very grateful that you are taking time out of your busy schedule to slow down, pause, and ponder how your faith and life intersect.
It is a honor and privilege to have you here. I need you here. I want you here.
So in my effort to keep that original promise to God, to my family and friends, and also to you, my faithful readers and followers, I will be starting something new this week.
Each Monday morning I will post something that God has given me share. I will spend the week before praying, writing, and studying about what this will be. I will try hard to listen to His voice and only write as He leads. And if God chooses not to give me anything, I will let you know!
I am calling these posts #MindfulMondays and you can find them early Monday mornings (if you sign up to follow me via email they will be delivered right to your inbox!). I am hoping they will be a way to start your week with purpose and intentionality…a kind of road map to think about taking that right route. I will also give you some further reading and challenges if you are up for it! :)
On Thursdays, I will use my blog to highlight other people, books, ministries, music, and organizations that God has placed in my life to point me toward Him. #ThankfulThursdays will be an opportunity for me to share links, posts, videos, quotes, blogs, and so much more from others out there who are making a difference. People who have chosen that right route for their souls and who can inspire and challenge us to do the same.
If you check back this Thursday, I will be posting 2 short video clips from BECKY MORELAND, who spoke last week at OASIS. Her personal story of heartache, loss, and pain led her to start RAHAB MINISTRIES which now seeks to rescue women from sex trafficking. You will be inspired and challenged by this amazing woman!
I know I am changing directions on you, but I thank you for your patience and willingness to take this new path with me. I truly believe that if we meet here AT THE CROSSROADS and make plans to travel together we will, indeed, find the right route for our souls!
If you have not yet signed up to follow me via email, NOW IS THE TIME! It will be so much easier to keep up with #MindfulMondays and #ThankfulThursdays by having these posts delivered directly to you. Enter your email address in the righthand sidebar today… you will receive a FREE 7 day devotional to start!
Originally posted by Carla Gasser on AT THE CROSSROADS.