When It Rains It Pours! How to Cope in the Downpour…


We’ve had a lot of rain in Cleveland lately.  I mean record rainfalls, days in a row and my flowers have drowned kind of rain.  It can be a little depressing to say the least.  The saying- when it rains, it pours, kept ringing in my head.  Surely, by looking outside, this saying deemed true but it was also true in my life a few weeks earlier…
I had received sad news of friends that lost a loved one way too soon.  Shortly after that, we received another phone call of a family being torn apart by addiction.  It seems like as soon as I hung up the phone, it rang again only to be a sisters voice on the other end talking about a struggling marriage.  On TV the news spoke loud and clear of the state that our country, our cities, and our moral standard is in.  I sat feeling overwhelmed and heavy-hearted.  On that day, what started as a trickle of bad news surely turned into a huge downpour!

Ever have one of those days?

How can we cope when we feel like everything around us is going wrong?
“I have said these things to you,
that in me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation.
But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

When we can’t immediately see the Lord’s hand, we have to TRUST His character.
If you have walked with Him through a previous trial, recall His faithfulness and rest your heart there.  He will be faithful again.  If you have not yet allowed the Lord to be the ruler of your life, then give Him a chance.  Trust of the goodness you have heard about Him and look for it in your own life.  You may be surprised by all He will show  you!
As reliable as any other history book, we can trust the stories His Word provides us with of people in that past who have also faced challenge.  All throughout Scripture we see these examples and within each one God’s faithful hand is evident. {Click HERE for real-life examples in Scripture of men and women who overcame tremendous trials.  Worth reading.}

Be encouraged today friend.  Although the rain may be falling around you, He who is in you is greater than the downpour- and He promises to get you through it.

 ‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.’ Isaiah 43:2

Point to Ponder: When we put our cares in His Hands, He puts His Peace in our hearts…

Originally posted by Josie Valley on Minutes Matter.